Ticketing systems are incompatible. That's not acceptable in a connected world. People buy cell phones from competing providers with security they work. It doesn't matter whether the phone is made by Apple, Samsung, Google or Amazon. It doesn't matter whether the network is operated by Verizon, Sprint or AT&T. All the phones connect with each other by design. An Apple iPhone on the AT&T network can call a Samsung phone on Verizon by simply dialing the number.
Ticketing, and in particular, mobile ticketing should have a common infrastructure upon which each company can build its own site. That allows for a better fan experience and better security protocols to be implemented.
We have half a year or better to see how we can better use modern tools to revise technology that's layered upon the way it used to be. It's time for tickets to be running on the latest technology. Amazon sells lots of product with one click. We have billions of tickets to sell. Make it easy while we have the time.