The entire world of Live Entertainment is in distress. Concerts and Sports are canceled, theaters are closed. Together, as an industry, we need to develop a plan to start over.
We had our conference on Tuesday, May 19th, 2020 from
9:00 am - 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time. We discussed how Live Entertainment companies interact and how they engage with fans. This break from performances gives us time to make needed changes to how we as an industry operate. Here is one of the highlight videos: https://vimeo.com/423393480
Beginning in June, Rescue Meet began to moderate online interactive meetings each month. We hosted three 90 minute sessions on June 16th, 2020. Here is one of the highlight videos: https://vimeo.com/430529339/038f59d241
Starting July 16th, 2020 Rescue Meet will regularly post video podcasts on issues important to the live entertainment community.
What problem are we solving?
Live events and mass gatherings have been shut down because of community virus spread. Now we face the challenges of safely being together at events, the pressures of an economic crisis and the urgency to reinvent the entire protocol of ticketing and fan retention.
What are we proposing?
Ideas discussed in working groups we organize. How do we restart events? What do the fans need in pricing, sanitation standards and outreach to come back? How can we reopen the closed venues? Which events should go first? Rescue Meet will facilitate conversations and suggest guided activities to find answers to these and other critical questions all intended to improve on the ways things were done in the past.
Which topics form the working groups?
1. Sales and Marketing
2. Technology and Ticket Distribution
3. Leadership and Management
Who is this for?
Leaders, decision-makers and top executives in live entertainment, concerts, sports, theaters and venues. Join us as we work to relaunch the industry, rebuild community with the fans and restore revenues to all entertainment businesses.
Our world is waiting for the return of live. Together we will make it happen. The show must go on.